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Alvernia University

Creation, Salvation, Discipleship, Revised Edition, Gerald S. Vigna, Ph.D. (Item #CB555929BYLP)


Catholic Theological Union

Theology and Spirituality of Religious Priesthood, Gilberto Cavazos-Gonzalez OFM, (Item #CB670016FGEF)

Central Catholic High School

Faith and Reason, 2022-2023, (Item #CB670008PQOP)

Living a Christian Lifestyle, 2022-2023 Edition, (Item #CB670007NOMN)

Encountering Jesus and Understanding Faith, 2022-2023, (Item #CB670009RSQR)

Poverty, Policy and Justice 2022-2023, (Item #CB670010TUST)

Dominican College

Religion and the Human Experience, Giovanna Czander, Ph.D. (Item #669077HTGB)

Faulkner University

Advanced Studies in Biblical Theology: Supplementary Reader – 3rd Ed., J. David Stark, Ph.D. (Item #CB669128CELO)

Seminar in the Pauline Letters, J. David Stark, Ph.D. (Item #CB669169IUXP)

Gonzaga University

Global Christologies Course Reader – RELI 390.03, B. Kevin Brown, Ph.D.(Item #CB663500AERH)

Religions of Asia, Dr. Gloria (I-Ling) Chien (Item #CB663500AERH)

RELI 334 Interreligious Dialogue – Spring 2022 Edition, John N. Sheveland, Ph.D. (Item #CB670001ABZY)

Justin-Siena High School

Senior Servant Leadership: Religious Studies,  Mr. Stanley Cordero (Item #CB630318EGLS)

Christian Living: MoralitySimon Charles N. Rebullida, (Item #CB669131RVWO)

Christian Living: Social Justice, Simon Charles N. Rebullida, (Item #CB669133UCUM)

La Salle University

LaSalle and His Legacy: Honors 365, Bro. John M. Crawford, FSC (Item #CB521345MTWE)

LaSalle and His Legacy: Readings and Resources, Bro. John M. Crawford, FSC (Item #CB113155KRWA)

The Quest for Our Shared Humanity, Revised Edition, Bro. Ernest J. Miller, FSC (Item #CB663304ITAG)

Lewis University

Readings about God – Introduction to Christian Theology, Dr. Christie Billups & Fr. Daniel Torson (Item #CB287177BFLP)

Lloydminster Education Division

Catholic Studies 9: Journeying in Faith with Community (B&W Version), Lloydminster Education Division (Item #CB606044GJSS)

Catholic Studies 9: Journeying in Faith with Community (Color Version), Lloydminster Education Division (Item #CB606044GJSS)

Catholic Studies 9: Journeying in Faith with Community (Digital Version), ISBN 9781641211307

Catholic Studies 10: Understanding the Call to Evangelize (B&W Version), Lloydminster Education Division (Item #CB606123BYTG)

Catholic Studies 10: Understanding the Call to Evangelize (Color Version), Lloydminster Education Division (Item #CB606123BYTG)

Catholic Studies 10: Understanding the Call to Evangelize (Digital Version), ISBN 9781641211314

Catholic Studies 20: Exploring the Joy of Catholic Identity (B&W Version), Lloydminster Education Division (Item #CB607845JBEN)

Catholic Studies 20: Exploring the Joy of Catholic Identity (Color Version), Lloydminster Education Division (Item #CB607845JBEN)

Catholic Studies 20: Exploring the Joy of Catholic Identity (Digital Version), ISBN 9781641211321

Catholic Studies 30: Embracing Spiritual and Religious Life (B&W Version), Lloydminster Education Division (Item #CB607867HCHW)

Catholic Studies 30: Embracing Spiritual and Religious Life  (Color Version), Lloydminster Education Division (Item #CB607867HCHW)

Catholic Studies 30: Embracing Spiritual and Religious Life (Digital Version), ISBN 9781641211338

Merion Mercy Academy

SpiritualityWhere Faith and Life Meet – 2021-2022 (Digital Version), Senior Theology 042/044, Theology Dept (Item #CB669275BSMQ)

Mount Marty University

Benedictine Leadership 101 Theology & Philosophy Department (Item #CB669164NXUR)

Benedictine Leadership 201 Department of Theology & Philosophy (Item #CB669269XLKA)

Introduction to Theology Theology & Philosophy Department (Item #CB669197TLTT)

Mount St. Mary’s University

GenesisDonahue, McCarthy and Birge (Item #CB669160AOAX)

Notre Dame College

Ultimate Questions: How Major Religions Respond, Mary Karita Ivancic, SND and Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND (Item #669097FTRO)

Ultimate Questions: How Major Religions Respond – Adaptation, Mary Karita Ivancic, SND and Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND (Item #CB669099NNFW)

Notre Dame High School – San Jose

Gospel Stories, Gospel Choices: Supplemental Readings for Sophomore ReligionRita Cortez (Item #CB498388BKNK)

Self, Spirituality and Scripture, Rita Cortez (Item #CB498120RENF)

Providence College

Explorations in the Life of Grace: Growth in Christian Life, Fr. John E. Allard, OP (Item #CB531514VSTO)

Regis Jesuit High School

Junior Theology Sacramentality Reader, 2022-2023 Edition, Regis Jesuit Theology Department (Item #CB670004GHST)

Rivier University

Prophetic Witness, Bro. Paul Demeers, S.C., D. Min. (Item #CB632786BLAW)

Sacred Heart University

Bioethics: Religious Approaches, Brian Stiltner (Item #646085OMFA)

A Lilly Endowment Theology High School Institute, Department of Catholic Studies (Item #CB616022BFSP)

Saint Joseph’s Preparatory School

Finding God In All Things, Revised Edition, The Religion Department (Item #CB549831BXPC)

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Evolving Identities Within Communities: Embracing Hope and Creativity, Anne M. Conway, MA (Item #CB669093TFNC)

Exploring the Bible: Context and Content, Rose M. Beal (Item #CB416909PIVV)

Readings for Foundations in Catholic Theology – A Revised Collection from Scholarly Sources – TH260A – Summer Edition 2020, Rose M. Beal  and Laurie Ziliak (Item #CB669191MVDT)

Readings for Foundations in Catholic Theology – A Revised Collection from Scholarly Sources – TH260A – Fall Edition 2020, Rose M. Beal  and Laurie Ziliak (Item #CB669192GRPP)

Saint Vincent College

Learning Seminar – Core 2400, Listening, Learning, Loving Core Curriculum (Item #CB670012XYWX)

Listening Seminar – Core 1400, Listening, Learning, Loving Core Curriculum (Item #CB670013ZAYZ)

Loving Seminar – Core 3400, Listening, Learning, Loving Core Curriculum (Item #CB670014BCAB)

St. Francis of Assisi Church

St. Francis of Assisi Confirmation Handbook, St. Francis of Assisi Program (Item #CB669241RNUU) 2021-2022 Edition

St. John’s College High School

Introduction to Systematic Theology, The Religion Department (Item #CB603189XJXA)

St. Leo University

Many are Called, but Who is Chosen? – Workbook 1, Thomas L. Humphries, Jr., Ph.D. (Item #CB606608WSWV)

Many are Called, but Who is Chosen? – Workbook 2, Thomas L. Humphries, Jr., Ph.D. (Item #CB613196FEEH)

(Custom) Who Would Jesus Kill? – Religious Ethics of War and Peace, Stephen Okey, (Item #CB669202THSC)

United Theological Seminary

OT in the Life of the Congregation, Carolyn Pressler (Item #CB107499MMFX)

Hebrew Bible I: Orientation, Carolyn Pressler (Item #CB423639WQUJ)

From Love Song to Lament – Poetry and the Hebrew Bible, Carolyn Pressler (Item #CB669168QOAN)

Faith Foundations 1: Units 2 and 3, Hebrew Bible, The Damascus Project (Item #CB669209NGFX)

University of St. Mary

Perspectives on Church, Brian W. Hughes (Item #CB309957MAOA)

Ursaline Academy

Christian Awareness: Exploring Self, God, and Other, Religious Studies Department (Item #CB669079OWCP)

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